
Doctor’s Orders: Make it Magical

Doctor’s Orders:  Make it Magical

You could feel the tension growing as the week progressed. Moving the bulk of an entire pediatrician's office over a weekend is an insane task. If anyone can make the impossible happen, it's Donna Yeiser. By Thursday evening, I was running back and forth, adding final details, tweaking my third mural in the hallway where each kid would pass. I had already spent weeks creating a magical world where kids could ponder nature with a colorful twist—and I was just getting started. Thursday, the old office shut down, and it was all hands on deck. Surrounded by the hustle of...

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How to Pick the Perfect Gift

How to Pick the Perfect Gift

I've had a moment of clarity this Christmas season that I hesitantly want to share with you all.   I spent all the years longing for the perfect presents, the trending name brand, the coolest toys, the things everyone else would get, but also the best unique gift.   Lately, I realize I've shifted.  When people ask me for Christmas ideas, I struggle. Not because I don't want things, but because deep down, I long for more, and I'm not sure how to put it on a list.   I genuinely love to spend significant time planning and dreaming up...

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Be the Light in a World where Schools go on Lockdown

Be the Light in a World where Schools go on Lockdown

Several years ago, the principal at my kiddos school asked me to paint inspirational words in the school bathrooms. Being extra, I said, "what if I also paint a million murals?" At some point, during the months I spent hanging out in elementary school bathrooms painting, I started to feel the Lord's nudge: What if there's another school that needs your art… I felt a tug towards schools in lower socioeconomic areas, drawn to invest where there aren't a lot of stay-at-home moms with Pinterest boards or white-collar workers with flexible schedules. What if we just talked about those kinds...

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InTENTse Clarity

InTENTse Clarity

It won't shock anyone who knows us that we don't plan ahead so much.  We love to go with the flow and cram adventures into the empty spaces.  The downside to living like this is that often, the planners have already snagged the good spots and we get what's left.  Also, with our lifestyle, we squeeze the life out of every minute, so there isn't a lot of margin when things go wrong….    That's how we found ourselves rolling up to the last available campsite after dark.  Imagine our joy to find not one, but TWO blinding street lights...

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Just Breathe

Just Breathe

When one of my most loyal customers, Amy requested a new painting, I decided this project was the perfect opportunity to collaborate with an up-and-coming artist.    It's safe to assume I do ordinary things in “unique” ways.  Let me introduce you to dream clouds.  It is basically goal setting, but instead of making a list, I draw empty clouds on a few of the pages in my journal, and as I come up with dreams for my life, business, family, I write them in the clouds.  I have found that creating dream clouds is much more fun than lists,...

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