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Rethinking Worry: What if it's a Spiritual Gift?

I'm not one to worry or overthink things. Can I be honest? Is it safe to share raw truth? I can be kind of critical of people who are. If you are in my days and minutes, and you are a worrier, you probably aren't shocked at this confession. I've rolled my eyes at you, and I've made jokes. They aren't mean; they are trying to be funny, but also... I don't have a lot of patience with worry. A couple of years ago, we adopted the world's perfect dog. He is so sweet and gentle. His one problem is...

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Out With the Old, In With the New

Out With the Old, In With the New

  This weekend, the plan was to rearrange our bedroom.  Friday, I accidentally went to Home Depot, bought some paint, and repainted the kitchen--surprising Brad when he came home from work.  Like..surprise!  you married an idiot!  For the next several days, our house was a complete disaster.  No room--honestly not many spaces were unaffected.  He married a creative, he knew what he was getting-ish. I literally didn't have a plan.  I just had a whim, and went for it.  As we lived around my great ideas for several days, we hashed out different ways we could shake things up and...

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