News — afraid

Rethinking Worry: What if it's a Spiritual Gift?

I'm not one to worry or overthink things. Can I be honest? Is it safe to share raw truth? I can be kind of critical of people who are. If you are in my days and minutes, and you are a worrier, you probably aren't shocked at this confession. I've rolled my eyes at you, and I've made jokes. They aren't mean; they are trying to be funny, but also... I don't have a lot of patience with worry. A couple of years ago, we adopted the world's perfect dog. He is so sweet and gentle. His one problem is...

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That Time I Almost Hated the World's Biggest Canvas...

That Time I Almost Hated the World's Biggest Canvas...

The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness cannot overcome it. It was the largest canvas commission of my career. So big that you can't purchase pre-stretched canvases that size. I would have to build it. Totally not intimidating at all... I had learned how to do that in a scene painting class once, in theory, at least. Fifteen years ago.... what could possibly go wrong?  Bless my heart. I researched and talked to people. I worried and planned. Once we finally built the giant, painting it would be my sweet spot—or so I thought. Generally, by the time...

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Lady in Chains

Lady in Chains

I was standing by her in church one Sunday, when I felt an urgency to pray for her during worship. You see, I knew what was going on in her life.  I knew how overwhelmed she was with anxiety and fear.  It had been a rough season...The lies of the enemy were loud, and she was believing them.  She was at the point where she just could not see truth for the fog.  It's so hard to watch the people you love suffer.  It's also hard to know when and how to speak truth to them, so I specifically started...

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