
Hidden Treasure

Hidden Treasure

From my journal: September, 2018   People usually ask about Africa when I get home. And I always struggle to give a good answer. It is so much to capture and often not fully processed until weeks after I get home. But for this trip, how do I casually share that I went really struggling with some things. Really asking the Lord to clean any cobwebs out of my relationship with Him. To help me understand some truths I have been wrestling to understand.   Overwhelmingly...He did. I had 3 beautiful living examples—bam bam bam play out before my eyes...

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Africa Dreaming in Jean’s house

Africa Dreaming in Jean’s house

  This is the tenth year since we first left home for a two week trip to the great unknown. Brad and I left baby Asher, and headed to Rwanda, Africa completely unaware of how our lives would forever change. For the next few days, I will open my journal and share some of the things I’ve learned from my 10 years of experience as girl who was awakened from my comfort zone and discovered how it feels to be fully alive.     October 3, 2015 This trip has been special because Jean Baptiste and Beatrice have invited us...

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Sweaty for Jesus...bless my heart

Sweaty for Jesus...bless my heart

Today, Brad and I were asked if one of us would mind reading during big church. I immediately said “not it”. Because I'm a grown-up, and I am most happy working behind the scenes where nobody can see you mess up....   Then we were told what they wanted, and Brad started giggling.  It could not possibly be more Amanda....We were asked to create a modern interpretation of Deuteronomy 6:6-9 based on our family’s lifestyle.   6 These words, which I am commanding you today, shall be on your heart. 7 You shall teach them diligently to your sons and shall talk...

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Because I just felt Fancy Today...

Because I just felt Fancy Today...

My heart kind of froze a little when she walked in this morning, bedhead, sleepy eyes, carrying the flower girl dress she wore so beautifully this weekend.  Mommy, can I wear it to school today?  I saw Brad's big eyes, but then I saw the light of bravery in hers.  She doesn't always choose to be  brave.  She tends to be more of a quiet observer.  She doesn't love the spotlight, even though you would probably not know it.  She has more confidence than she realizes.  I said "yes, of course you can wear it.  You will look amazing.  Go...

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Mother of the Year #1

Mother of the Year #1

 {with my girl a couple of years ago--when we got fancy for our walk} The way I see it, there are two parenting styles.  There are parents who are planners, organized, and on top of it.  Then there are my people...    I had a distinct feeling in the pit of my stomach that I had missed something important when I dropped Priss off at school.  I smiled when I saw a little girl hop out of her car wearing a pretty twirl skirt, and told her how pretty she looked.  Then I started noticing a lot of kids had...

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